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Meet The Team:
Interview with Kilian Köppl
Discover how Kilian uses his expertise in Computer Vision and Deep Learning to solve real-world problems.
reading time: 3 min
Marija Mijic
I was working for a startup in Graz which creates image processing solutions for car dealerships. There I was responsible for automated image enhancement algorithms.
I’m a Data Scientist. I am providing data driven solutions for real world problems.
My expectations are that my team and I always strive to use the best tools and processes available, as this is a rapidly changing environment.
Mostly paper reading, Kaggle challenges and having an eye on the latest tools and trends.
I think the greatest impact comes from watching the workflow of former and current colleagues.
Maybe thoughtful, calm and friendly. I would describe myself as thoughtful, loud and friendly.
I’ve never been outside of Europe. I already booked a flight to visit Costa Rica after my studies, but two weeks before departure the first lockdown was announced.
Spend a semester abroad.
Which music is playing on your player right now? Lofi hip-hop music.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Probably time travel.
Mac or PC? PC.
Coffee or tea? Green Tea.
Tell me one place you always wanted to travel to? South East Asia.
Thank you, Kilian!
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