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Meet The Team:
Interview with Alexandra Groschner
Learn how Alexandra, our talented data engineer, combines her passion for Kubernetes and CI/CD at craftworks.
reading time: 2 min
Marija Mijic
I'm a data engineer and part of the infrastructure team. Concerned a lot with CI/CD and DevOps topics.
I liked and still do like the most how people interact with each other. And the general atmosphere in the office space, like always being able to ask everyone everything and having each other's backs!
To work in a truly agile environment. That is very important to me as I've never done this before and I see a lot of advantages to it. Things like being able to react to changes very fast, learning stuff during every day work and using the right tools in the right way and many many more.
I actually went back to university this year. I am continuously listening to talks, reading papers or articles and exchange information and knowledge with people I am working / learning with.
My ability to learn things fast. Why? I actually see this as a requirement when working in an ever-changing industry like ours, so being good at that and having fun while learning is worth a lot.
Look for a team/environment you are feeling comfortable with and just start trying stuff out.
Talkative, fun and full of advice (but without guarantee).
Experts think they know everything, geniuses know that they don't. So be a genius.
I don't know. I'm an open book - maybe that I am into yoga philosophy.
Are you a coffee person or tea person? Depends on the time of the day and the time of the year.
What is your favorite meal? Veggie Lasagne.
What fictional place would you most like to visit? Hogwarts.
Thank you, Alexandra!
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