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1070 Vienna
Meet The Team:
Interview with Yavor Ivanov
Get to know Yavor's path at craftworks, blending Linux expertise with academic pursuits and fatherhood aspirations.
reading time: 2 min
Marija Mijic
I was not satisfied with what I previously worked, and I started to look for something new. I have known Boian for some years and asked him about the company he works for. Then I looked up the website and found out that they had an open position, suitable for me. I only started a few weeks ago, but I can already see the difference to other employers and tell that craftworks meet my expectations. I hope that I meet their expectations too.
I’m a Linux system administrator and I mostly enjoy working on the infrastructure.
Firstly, the team here is much smaller, my previous employer had many thousands of employees all over the world. However, I feel like smaller companies are more suitable for me. Secondly, the whole team is like one happy family, which I appreciate a lot.
Family, cohesive and exciting.
Currently, I'm doing my masters. Besides studying, I also like to try and experiment with different and new technologies when I have spare time.
The feedback from the people I work with.
Don’t work when you have to study, and don’t study when you have to work.
I am a big marvel fanboy and the last movie I watched was “Spider-Man” and I will definitely recommend it.
To be a father. I want to be a good father.
If you could choose a superpower, what would it be? Flying.
Tell me one place you always wanted to travel to? America, I want to try all the (fast)food there.
Mac or PC? Both.
Coffee or tea? Tea.
Thank you, Yavor!
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